Arabic Language Education Study Program for Bachelor Degree of UIN Sunan Kalijaga Conducts International Service and Submission of Micro Teaching Students at Tamavitya Mulniti School, Yala, Thailand.

Arabic Language Education Study Program flew to Thailand to hold several international activities in the country of the white elephant country. International activities carried out in Thailand are the signing of LoI between Arabic Language Education and Tamavitya Mulniti School Thailand, international service, and the deployment of International Micro Teaching for students. Some of the lecturers who participated in this activity were the Secretary Nurul Huda, M.Pd.I., Nurhapsari Pradnya Paramita, M.Pd.I., Mahmudah, Lc., M.S.I Dr. Zamakhsari, M.Ag. and Dr. Andi Holilulloh, M.A. and also participated by three students in this activity. For the signing of the LoI (Letter of Intens) between arabic language education and Tamavitya Mulniti School Thailand, Mr. Nurul Huda represented the Head of Study Program and from the school was represented by the principal Razi Bensulung.

Arabic Language Education Study Program sends the students to practice teaching in Thailand. This is part of the internationalization of arabic language education Study Program which has been internationally accredited by FIBAA (Foundation for International Busseness Administration Acreditation) since 2023. arabic language education students who underwent International micro teaching internships from June 1-22, 2024 were Dika Arminy and Atika Maulidia. They chose International micro teaching in Thailand and shared their reasons for choosing International micro teaching, Atika said: "I chose to do this agenda at Tamavitya Mulniti Yala school in Thailand because there are several reasons that inspire me to develop myself and get out of my comfort zone through cross-cultural education. Thus, I hope that my contribution here can have a positive impact on the development of education in Thamavitya Mulniti school, Yala Thailand". Then Dika Arminy also expressed his hopes in this International micro teaching activity, he said: "I hope that the choice to do micro teaching in this Thai school can be a valuable experience in my life, especially in the field of education and teaching. Hopefully my contribution in the school can bring positive changes to Arabic language learning in Thailand. I chose Thailand for micro teaching because I was interested in Arabic language learning in the southern region of Thailand which is famous for its large Muslim population. It is very interesting to gain new knowledge about the study of Thai Islamic culture."

In addition to taking students to practice teaching in Thailand, arabic language education Study Program also sent lecturers for international service in Thailand, namely scientific presentations in front of teachers in this Thai school. The names of some arabic language education lecturers who presented at Tamavitya Mulniti School, Yala, Thailand are Nurul Huda, M.Pd.I. with the theme "Calligraphy and Arabic Language; The Dynamics of Learning to the optimization of its use in Indonesia." Then also Dr. Andi Holilulloh, M.A. presented Arabic language studies with the title "مكانة اللغة العربية وتعليمها في إندونيسيا", Nurhapsari, M.Pd.I. also presented with the title "Learning models in Indonesia." And Mahmudah, Lc., M.S.I. also presented with the title "Arabic language learning with art." Hopefully this international activity can have a positive impact on the arabic language education Study Program at UIN Sunan Kalijaga which continues to spread its wings in the international arena.