For four days from Wednesday-Saturday, 6th-9th November 2019 in Hanoi Vietnam there was a grand event of academics quality observers from various universities in Southeast Asia. The participants came from various universities from ASEAN countries in Indonesia, Malaysia, Vietnam, Burma, Malaysia and so on. It was also attended by partners and countries such as Germany sponsored by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). this activity is a collaboration among ASEAN Quality Assurance Networking (AQAN), ASEAN University Network (AUN), European for Quality Assurance for Higher Education (ENQA), University Postdam, Regional Centre for Higher Education, and Development (SEAMCO RIHED). The host of this activity was the Foreign Trade University in Hanoi, Vietnam.
From Indonesia, UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta is the only delegate from the State Islamic Religious College who attended this activity. Delegations of UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta in this forum were Dr. H. Fahri Husein, SE., M.Si. as head of the Quality Assurance Agency; Dr. H. Muhammad Alfatih Suryadilaga, S.Ag. M.Ag., Head of Study Program and Internal Auditor of UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta. Dr. Irsyadunnas, M.Ag., a lecturer at the Da'wah Faculty and Internal Auditor of UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta; Dra. Hj. Fatma Amilia, S.Ag. M.Si., a lecturer at the Faculty of Sharia and Law and the Internal Auditor of UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta.
The theme of the ASEAN QA forum was “Networking for Building and Sustaining Quality Culture in Higher Education Institutions”. The event began with the opening of the event by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Bui Anh Tuan as President of Foreign Trade University Vietnam. Another welcoming speeches were delivered by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mai Van Trinh, Director General, Vietnam Education Quality Agency, Ministry of Education and Training, Vietnam Dr. Ngo Van Thuyen, AUN-QA Council Member and Chairman of the University Governance Council, Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology and Education, Vietnam Barbara Michalk, Head of Section Higher Education in Germany and Europe, German Rectors` Conference (HRK), Germany Dr. Chantavit Sujatanond, Director, SEAMEO Regional Centre for Higher Education and Development (RIHED), Thailand. Besides, there were the keynote speeches by Prof. Dr. Jacques Lanarès, Professor and former Vice-Chancellor for Teaching and Quality Development, University of Lausanne, Switzerland. S.
On this occasion also launched the ASEAN Quality Assurance Association Establishing the ASEAN-QA conducted by Tejero-Dakay, Presidential Assistant for Quality Assurance, University of San Carlos, Philippines. The event was concluded by an explanation of the ASEAN-QA Association organization by the Executive Board & Committee President, ASEAN-QA Association. The activity ended with a group photo with all participants and interviewees in this activity.
The activity of the first panel session was a discussion about “The Role of QA Networks in the Changing ASEAN Higher Education Landscape” by Prof. Dr. T. Basaruddin, President, ASEAN Quality Assurance Network, Indonesia; Prof. Dr. Masoud Muruke, Former President of the East African Higher Education Quality Assurance Network, University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania; Dr. Ngo Van Thuyen, AUN-QA Council Member and Chairman of University Governance Council, Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology and Education, Vietnam Frank Niedermeier, ASEAN-QA Project Head and Head of Higher Education Studies Department, University of Potsdam, Germany; Prof. Dr. Raymundo Rovillos, Chancellor, University of the Philippines Baguio, the Philippines; Dr. Chantavit Sujatanond, Director, SEAMEO Regional Centre for Higher Education and Development (RIHED). The next activity is a parallel article divided into four places and three local papers are reviewed each. All activities of the second day ended with dinner with all participants and resource persons. This activity is served with typical Vietnamese food and traditional arts of the country.
This activity is an effort to improve the quality of the university. This was explained by the Chairman of LPM UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta Dr. H. Fahri Husein, SE., M.Sc., head of the Quality Assurance Agency. These innovations and various applications of quality assurance at the ASEAN level can enhance quality improvement in the university. At least with this experience, quality assurance at UIN Sunan Kalijaga continues to grow going forward. At least with this experience, quality assurance at UIN Sunan Kalijaga continues to grow going forward. Transformation into activities and implementation becomes a daunting task in improving the quality and advantages of accredited study programs at the global level specifically in ASEAN. It is hoped that in the future the number of AUN-QA certified products will increase in UIN Sunan Kalijaga.
Dr. H. Muhammad Alfatih Suryadilaga, S.Ag. M.Ag. said that universities must support in training, writing, and adjusting policy instruments according to standards. One effort to advance is to bring universities or comparative studies to universities that have been accredited in the AUN QA forum in Vietnam. The obstacle at PTKIN is that the quality assurance culture has not been created properly and has become a habit in every step of the day. Besides, large funding is needed in realizing all that. But if it is not done, PTKIN will be left behind and the world-class university slogan will not be realized. (MAS-khabib/humas) translated by Aulia- student