

This period began with the transformation of the Faculty of Religion, Islamic University of Indonesia (UII) into Islamic Academy (PTAIN) based on a Presidential Regulation Number 34 of 1950 dated August 14th, 1950 and the inauguration of PTAIN on September 26th, 1951. Also happened in this period, a unification of PTAIN (established based on Presidential Regulation Number 34 of 1950) and ADIA (established based on the decree of the Ministry of Religion Number 1 of 1957) as stated on the Presidential Regulation Number 11 of 1960 dated 9th of May 1960 regarding the establishment of the State Islamic Institute (IAIN) by the name of Al-Jami'ah al-Islamiyah al-Hukumiyah. Within this period, PTAIN was under the leadership of KHR Moh Adnan (1951-1959) and Prof. Dr. H. Mukhtar Yahya (1959-1960).



This period was marked by the inauguration of IAIN on 24th of August 1960. There was also the separation of IAIN during this time. The first one centered in Yogyakarta and the second was in Jakarta based on the Decree of the Ministry of Religion Number 49 of 1963 dated February 25th, 1963. IAIN Yogyakarta was later named IAIN Sunan Kalijaga based on the Decree of the Ministry of Religion Number 26 of 1965 dated July 1st, 1965. The construction of facilities and infrastructure was also started in this period by the relocation of the old campus (at Simanjuntak road, which now became a building of MAN 1 Yogyakarta) to the new and much wider campus (at Marsda Adisucipto Yogyakarta road). Several Faculty buildings were built and a mosque was erected in the center of them that still stands firm. The education system of this period was “flexible” because the students were given the chance to enter the test after they had truly prepared themselves. The curriculum materials still also leaned on the Middle East curriculum (Al-Azhar University, Egypt) which had been developed since PTAIN. In this period, IAIN Sunan Kalijaga was led by Prof. R.H.A. Soenaryo, S.H. (1960-1972).



In this period, IAIN Sunan Kalijaga was led successively by Colonel Drs. H. Bakri Syahid (1972-1976), Prof. H. Zaini Dahlan, MA (for 2 periods of service: 1976-1980 and 1980-1983), Prof. Dr. HA Mu'in Umar (1983-1992) and Prof. Dr. Simuh (1992-1996). In this period, the development of the campus’s physical facilities and infrastructures included the construction of the Faculty of Dakwah, Library, School of Graduate Studies Program, and Rectorate. The education system of this period shifted from “liberal system” to “guided system” by introducing “pseudo semester system” and “semester credit system” in the conclusion. Viewed from the curriculum aspect, IAIN Sunan Kalijaga had undergone a radical adjustment to the needs of the nation of Indonesia. The number of faculties increased up to 5 (five); Faculty of Adab, Dakwah, Syari’ah, Tarbiyah, and Ushuluddin. The School of Graduate Studies of IAIN Sunan Kalijaga was opened in this period precisely in the academic year 1983/1984. This Graduate Studies Program started with the academic activities in the form of short courses on Islamic studies namely Post Graduate Course (PGC) and Purna Sarjana Studies (PPS) that were held without the bestowal of master degree. Additionally, the opening of the School of Graduate Studies Program in the 80’s had solidified the function of IAIN Sunan Kalijaga as a higher-level academic institution one level above the grade one Program.



In this period, IAIN Sunan Kalijaga was under the leadership of Prof. Dr. HM. Atho Mudzhar (1997-2001). All attempts on the improvement of academic quality especially the lecturers (educational power) and alumni qualities continued in these years. A large number of lecturers were encouraged and given the opportunity to continue their studies on Magister grade (S2) or Doctorate (S3) levels of any discipline at both domestic and abroad institutions. The human resource development for the administration staffs was implemented to improve the quality of the academic administrative management and service. It was also in this period that IAIN Sunan Kalijaga became increasingly determined to improve its academic orientation and to solidify its existence as a higher education institution. The number of lecturers who were either Doctorate or Professor increased along with the growth of the library’s collection and its service.



This period could be called as “Transformation Period” because there was a significant event happened regarding the development of the oldest Islamic higher educational Institution in the country during this period which was the transformation of State Islamic Religious Institute (IAIN) Sunan Kalijaga into State Islamic University (UIN) Sunan Kalijaga as regulated by Presidential Decree Number 50 of 2004 dated June 21th, 2004. The declaration of UIN Sunan Kalijaga was done on October 14th, 2004. Prof. Dr. HM. Amin Abdullah was the rector during this period (2001-2005) with Prof. Drs. H. Akh. Minhaji, MA., Ph.D as the Assistant Rector for Academic Affairs, Drs. H. Masyhudi, BBA, M.Si as the Assistant Rector for General Administration, and Prof. Dr. H. Ismail Lubis, MA (deceased) as the Assistant Rector for Student Affairs who was then replaced by Dr. Maragustam Siregar, MA. In the second period (2006-2010), it was also under Prof. Dr. HM. Amin Abdullah leadership the position of Assistant Rector for Cooperation was formed. Including the Assistant Rector for Cooperation, the management structure of UIN Sunan Kalijaga in this second period was as follows: Assistant Rector for Academic Affairs, Dr. H. Sukamta, MA, Assistant Rector for General Administration, Dr. H. Tasman Hamami, MA, Assistant Rector for Student Affairs, Dr. Maragustam Siregar, MA, and Assistant Rector for Cooperation held by Prof. Dr. H. Siswanto Masruri, MA. The transformation from Institute into a University was made in order to introduce a new paradigm in observing and conducting study of religious science and general science which was called the Integration-Interconnection Paradigm. This paradigm implied an attempt to create an open and intensive dialogue between hadlarah an-nas, hadlarah al-ilm, and hadlarah al-falsafah. With this paradigm, UIN Sunan Kalijaga stressed its concern towards the development of the general public and muslim society in particular. The integration and interconnection of both disciplines that were before viewed diametrically different enabled the birth of an understanding of Islam that was friendly, democratic, and became rahmatan lil 'alamin.



Based on the Decree of the Minister of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia Number: B.II / 3/16522/2010 dated December 6th, 2010, a Professor of the Ushuluddin Faculty, Study of Religions and Islamic Thoughts, was given an additional assignment to become the Rector of UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta for the year of 2010-2014. Prof. Dr. H. Musa Asy’arie was the Rector of this period assisted by four Assistant Rectors; Assistant Rector for Academic Affairs Dr. Sekar Ayu Aryani, M.Ag., Assistant Rector for General Administration Prof. Dr. H. Nizar, M.Ag, Assistant Rector for Student Affairs Dr. H. Ahmad Rifai,. M.Phil., and Assistant Rector for Cooperation, Prof. Dr. H. Siswanto Masruri, M.A. Along with the progress of time and in order to improve the quality of the implementation and services of higher education, it was considered that the organization of the working procedures at UIN Sunan Kalijaga State Islamic University Yogyakarta needed to be reorganized. Therefore, the organization of the working procedures at UIN Sunan Kalijaga needed several adjustments based on the Regulation of the Minister of Religion Number 26 of 2013. With the newly adjusted Organization of the working procedures at UIN Sunan Kalijaga, in order to execute his assignments, the Rector was assisted by three Vice Rectors; Vice Rector for Academic and Student Affairs Dr. Sekar Ayu Aryani, M.Ag., Vice Rector for General Administration, Planning, and Finance, Prof. Dr. H. Nizar, M.Ag.,and Vice Rector for Institutional Affairs and Cooperation Dr. H. Maksudin, MA.