New Youth Awareness From Asia’s Youth Camp 2019 In State Islamic University Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta

Yogyakarta- regarding the annual International Conference on Social Sciences and Humanities, hundred students amongst Asia’s country involve Enjoy Youth Camp 2019 in State Islamic University Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta. This agenda has run for 3 days (28-30 June 2019) marked by releasing the pigeon and planting trees in Social and Humanities Faculty, State Islamic University Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta. This event results youth declaration amongst Asia’s youth.

This Asia’s youth comes from different universities around Asia. The Youth coming from Southeast Asia countries such as Philippine, Brunei, Malaysia, Singapore, and Thailand also support this event. They are from Kolej. Universiti Islam Antar Bangsa Selangor, National University of Singapore, Prince of Songkla University, Thammasat University Lampang Campus, International Islamic University Malaysia, University of Liverpool, Singapore Institute of Technology, University of The Philipines, Diliman.

Not also that, the other students coming from this country are State Islamic University Maulana Malik Ibrahim, State Islamic University Sunan Kalijaga, State Islamic University Raden Fatah Palembang, State Islamic University Antasari Banjarmasin, State Islamic University Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, Mercu Buana University, UGM, Surakarta IAIN, State Islamic University Suska Riau, State Islamic University Palangkaraya, IAIN Kerinci, IAIN Bukitinggi, Islamic University Sultan Sharif Ali. Whilst youth communities such as Gusdurian Community, Christian Youth Representative, Catholic Youth Representative, Buddha Youth Representative also support and get involved in this camp.

According to Director of International Office UIN Sunan Kalijaga, Achmad Uzair, S.PI., MA., Ph.D., the agenda initiated by the International Office in collaboration with the Faculty of Social and Humanities. State Islamic University Sunan Kalijaga has the aim to unite the pace of the young generation of students and youth communities of Southeast Asia as candidates for national leaders to reach a better future in a unified vision.

As Southeast Asia is one of the most diverse regions in the world, there are many religious traditions including Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism, and Christianity, as well as other beliefs. In addition, there are at least 2,197 languages spread throughout the regions in Asia. “In addition to its diversity, Southeast Asia has become a whole community unit in terms of trade and non-trade. To become a strong community, there need to be adjustments in policies, perspectives, and values. Young people who have always been a driver of the economy in many countries are needed to build Southeast Asia in the future, "said Uzair.

This International Youth Camp is designed to become a space for young people from Southeast Asia. The young generations from Asia gather and discuss to make Southeast Asia more inclusive. This event is also a space to facilitate all participants from various citizenship backgrounds. All participants had the same opportunity to discuss, understand each other's conditions of diversity in each country. Moreover, they can build networks and understand the culture of each country, especially Indonesian culture. The youth in this camp also gained an empirical education and the diversity of communities in the Southeast Asian region. This agenda is filled with various activities and programs, including; workshops, seminars, cultural events, and various competitions (paper, videography, and photography).

The Dean Faculty of Social and Humanities Dr. Mochammad Sodik, S. Sos., M.Sc., as the person in charge of the implementation of this agenda, explained that the ENJOY CAMP participants were very enthusiastic in describing their optimism of being a future leader. He hopes that through forums like this, they will get extraordinary knowledge and experience to reach the future both in the regional context in each country where they come from and at the international level where they can color it with love, peaceful and intelligence.

"They are the successors of the future of Indonesia, and other countries where they come from, for the next few years," Sodik said. He continued, The International Jogja Youth Camp (eNJOY Camp) Fishum UIN is an all-out commitment to learning new things about inclusiveness, build networks. It is also expected to become a bridge collaboration, initiate social and cultural platforms and projects with various issues of tolerance, the role of social media, and inclusiveness in the Southeast Asia Region.

In the end of The International Jogja Youth Camp (eNJOY Camp), all of the youth declare to their Asia’s Project and their commitment as the young generation. Their declaration is part of their commitment to succeed in Asia’s project and decrease conflicts amongst the region.