Increasingly Optimistic to Go Global, Master of Arabic Language Education Appeared on the Stage of International Academic Forum in Thailand.

Master of Arabic Language Education ofUIN Sunan KalijagaYogyakarta flew to Thailand for International Service at Fatoni University, Yala Thailand. This activity was attended by 4 lecturers and 16 students on Wednesday, July 17, 2024. The Master of Arabic Language Education lecturers who participated were Dr. Muhammad Jafar Shodiq, M.SI., Dr. Dailatus Syamsiah, M.Ag., Dr. Agung Setiyawan, M.Pd., and Dr. Andi Holilulloh, M.A. Basically, this visit aims to strengthen internationalization with Fatoni University, Thailand.

We were warmly welcomed by the leadership of Fatoni University namely Dr. Abdul Aziz Kalupae (Vice Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences), Dr. Lutfi Uma (Head of Arabic Language for master and Ph.D.), and several Fatoni University lecturers namely Dr. Emadudin al-Mishrie, Dr. Samsu Jeheng, Dr. Ishlahuddin. This International Benchmarking aims to discuss several international cooperation plans around international teaching practices for Master of Arabic Language Education students, writing joint scientific articles, external examiners and also student and lecturer exchanges.

In addition to International Benchmarking at Fatoni University, Master of Arabic Language Education also presented a paper at an academic forum at KISDA (Kolej Islam Syeikh Daud). Some of the KISDA leaders and lecturers who were present to welcome Master of Arabic Language Education were Prof. Dr. Abdulrasyid Bin H. Abdullah, Dr. Mustafa Abdul Rahman, Ustadz Aslam, and Ustadz Arfan.

The Master of Arabic Language Education delegation made a presentation in front of the speakers and students of KISDA, Thailand. They delivered material about Arabic translation into Indonesian and learning methodologies in Indonesia. This is a valuable opportunity for them so that they are able to know the international academic experience in the country of the white elephant. Not only that, they were also able to observe in depth what was gained from foreign experiences related to materials or ideas for their future research.