Lecturer of UIN Sunan Kalijaga invited to Zaituna University, Tunisia to Fill International Academic Activities

lecturer of UIN Sunan Kalijaga Dr. Andi Holilulloh, S.Pdi., M.A. was honored to be invited directly by the Rector of Zaituna University, Tunisia. This invitation is a form of harmonious cooperation between UIN Sunan Kalijaga and Zaituna University, Tunisia because previously the Rector of Zaituna University Prof. Dr. Abdel Lathif Bou Azizi had visited UIN Sunan Kalijaga and met twice, namely since 2022 and 2024. Indeed, Dr. Andi Holilulloh, S.Pd.I., M.A. was invited to the oldest university in the world for several academic activities, including for international scientific seminars and being a resource person in an academic writing training held at Zaituna University, Tunisia from October 3-14, 2024.

Dr. Andi Holilulloh, S.Pd.I., M.A. was received by the Rector of Zaituna University on Friday, October 4, 2024 at the Zaituna University Rectorate Building. The Rector was very pleased with the presence of the UIN Sunan Kalijaga Delegation who participated in a series of academic activities at Zaituna University, Tunisia. On Monday, October 7, 2024, Dr. Andi Holilulloh, M.A. Underwent International Benchmarking activities at Zaituna University Campus, including the Faculty of Al-Hadhoroh Al-Islamiyyah, Faculty of Ushuluddin and Jami' (Masjid) Az-Zaitunah. From the results of this International Benchmarking, there is a strong history that the Oldest University in the World is Zaituna University in Tunisia even though Dr. Andi Holilulloh, M.A. had also previously been to Al-Qarawiyyiin University in the city of Fes, Morocco. So, based on the results of interviews and observations of history, Zaituna University of Tunisia is the oldest university that was established in 737, while Al-Qarawiyyin University was established in 859.

Other academic activities carried out by Dr. Andi Holilulloh, M.A. As a delegation of UIN Sunan Kalijaga, he was involved in the International Scientific Seminar in Tunisia held at Zaitunah University in Kairouan city on October 8 and 9, 2024 with the presence of several other delegations, namely Zaituna University, Markaz ad-Dirasat al-Islamiyyah bil Kairouan, Markaz ad-Dirasah wal Buhuts al-Iqtishadiyah wal Ijtima'iyyah Tunisia, Makhbar al-Fikr al-Islamiy wa Tahawwulatu fi Tunis, Makhbar al-Madzahib ad-diniyyah bil Maghrib al-Islami wa 'ilmil Adyan and Jam'iyyatu Riyadhiyyat wa Tathbiqat. In this scientific seminar. Dr. Andi Holilulloh, M.A. invited scientists from various countries to discuss Islam and the role of the world's oldest university in the academic world.

Not only that, Dr. Andi Holilulloh, M.A. also shared knowledge with students at Zaituna University at the Faculty of Hadhoroh Islamiyyah and the Faculty of Ushuluddin. This sharing session is to provide insight to students as a form of international service for UIN Sunan Kalijaga Lecturers in the Arab Republic of Tunisia. Hopefully the implementation of international academic activities of UIN Sunan Kalijaga delegate Dr. Andi Holilulloh, M.A. can make UIN Sunan Kalijaga proud in Tunisia and in the international arena.