Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta has once again conducted the Kalijaga Tracer Study (KTS) 2024 to map the profile of its graduates and their involvement in the workforce, entrepreneurship, and further education. This study tracked alumni who graduated between September 1, 2021, and August 31, 2022, with a total population of 4,709 individuals.
This year, KTS 2024 set a new record in response rate. Out of the total alumni surveyed, 3,447 individuals completed the questionnaire, resulting in a response rate of 73.20%. This figure is significantly higher than the trend over the past five years, which typically ranged between 50-60%.
Profile of UIN Sunan Kalijaga Graduates
The results of KTS 2024 show that the majority of UIN Sunan Kalijaga graduates quickly entered the workforce. A total of 53.59% or 1,896 graduates are currently employed in various sectors. Meanwhile, 12.27% or 434 individuals chose entrepreneurship, reflecting a growing spirit of entrepreneurship among alumni. Additionally, 11.02% or 390 graduates pursued further education, either at the master’s (S2) level for undergraduate alumni or the doctoral (S3) level for postgraduate alumni. This was conveyed by the Head of Cendi (Centre for Entrepreneurship and Career Development) UIN Sunan Kalijaga, Noor Saif Muhammad Mussafi, S.Si., M.Sc., Ph.D., who emphasized that this achievement reflects the increasing competitiveness and readiness of UIN Sunan Kalijaga graduates in various fields.
At the end of Sha'ban 1446 H, Vice-Rector for Student Affairs and Cooperation, Dr. Abdur Rozaki, along with the Cendi management team, officially presented the nearly 600-page KTS 2024 report to the Rector of UIN Sunan Kalijaga, Prof. Noorhaidi. He welcomed the publication of this report and emphasized that the Kalijaga Tracer Study findings will serve as a valuable evaluation tool for the university in improving education quality, curriculum, and career services for students and alumni.
"In the future, UIN Sunan Kalijaga will continue to strengthen its synergy with both industry and academia to ensure that more graduates achieve success and become highly competitive," he added.
Cendi Team