
Profil Himawan Putranta

Nama : Himawan Putranta, M.Pd.
Program Studi : Pendidikan Fisika
Fakultas : Ilmu Tarbiyah dan Keguruan
Jenis Pegawai | Status : Pegawai Tetap BLU | Aktif Mengajar
Jabatan Akademik | Golongan : Asisten Ahli | III/B
Email :
Pendidikan Terakhir : -

Kelas Mata Kuliah Yang Diampu Oleh Himawan Putranta, M.Pd. Di Semester Gasal TA 2024/2025
No Nama Mata Kuliah SKS Jenis MK Kelas Jadwal
1. Analisis Vektor 2 WAJIB A JUM 07:00-08:40 R: TBY-406
2. Analisis Vektor 2 WAJIB B JUM 15:30-17:10 R: TBY-110
3. Bahasa Indonesia 2 WAJIB A SEL 08:50-10:30 R: TBY-409
4. Evaluasi Pembelajaran PAI 4 WAJIB A SEN 16:25-18:05 R: TK-101#RAB 12:30-14:10 R: PPG-407
5. Literasi Big Data* 4 PILIHAN A RAB 08:50-10:30 R: TBY-101#KAM 12:30-14:10 R: TBY-101
6. Mekanika Lanjut 2 PILIHAN A SEN 19:00-20:40 R: TBY-111
7. Metodologi Penelitian Kuantitatif 4 WAJIB A SEN 12:30-14:10 R: TBY-408#SEL 07:00-08:40 R: TBY-314
8. Mitigasi Bencana 2 PILIHAN A SEL 19:00-20:40 R: TBY-212
9. Penelitian kuantitatif 2 PILIHAN A RAB 19:00-20:40 R: TBY-105
10. Praktikum Pengajaran Fisika 2 WAJIB E MIN 14:05-15:45 R: MP-103

Buku Referensi
1 2019 Bahan Ajar Momentum dan Impuls SMA/MA Kelas X Semester 2 Berbantuan Simulasi Android Permainan Tulup .
Diterbitkan oleh Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta.
2 2018 Model Pembelajaran Kelompok Sistem Perilaku dalam Behavior System Group Learning Model.
Diterbitkan oleh Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta.
3 2017 Perkembangan Filsafat Abad Modern .
Diterbitkan oleh Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta.
Conference Paper
4 2020 The Development of Mobile Learning-Assisted Local Culture-Based Subject-Specific Pedagogy in Realizing the Learning Outcomes of Physics Subject .
Dalam International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2019).
Dipublikasikan pada Proceedings of the International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2019).
Diterbitkan oleh Atlantis Press.
Jurnal Ilmiah
5 2024 Analysis of Student Satisfaction with the Quality of Academic Library Services at State Christian Religious Higher Education Institutions .
Dipublikasikan pada International Journal of Education and Practice.
Diterbitkan oleh Conscientia Beam.
6 2024 Analisis Validitas dan Realibilitas Kualitas Soal Pilihan Ganda Asesmen Kompetensi Minimum (AKM) Mata Pelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam Menggunakan Pendekatan Model Rasch .
Dipublikasikan pada QuranicEdu: Journal of Islamic Education.
Diterbitkan oleh Institut Ilmu Al Qur’an An Nur Yogyakarta.
7 2024 Development of Natural Sciences E-modules based on Android with a Science, Environment, Technology, and Society Approach in the Earth Structure Chapter .
Dipublikasikan pada Revista Mexicana de Física E.
Diterbitkan oleh Sociedad Mexicana de Fisica.
8 2024 MIB-Inquiry-Infographic Android aApplication and Its Impact on Students' Critical Thinking Skills during the COVID-19 Pandemic .
Dipublikasikan pada European Journal of Educational Research.
Diterbitkan oleh Eurasian Society of Educational Research.
9 2023 Does the Implementation of School Zoning Policies Equalize the Quality of Education? Case Study at the Junior High School Level .
Dipublikasikan pada TEM Journal.
Diterbitkan oleh UIKTEN - Association for Information Communication Technology Education and Science, Serbia.
10 2023 Development of Local Wisdom-based Subject-Specific Pedagogy (SSP) to Improve Students' Scientific Literacy Skills .
Dipublikasikan pada Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA.
Diterbitkan oleh Universitas Mataram.
11 2023 Science Education Practices for Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Students in Indonesia .
Dipublikasikan pada Specijalna Edukacija I Rehabilitacija.
Diterbitkan oleh University of Belgrade - Faculty of Special Education and Rehabilitation.
12 2023 Comparing Graphene Energy Dispersion Simulations Using Spreadsheet for Distance Learning .
Dipublikasikan pada Revista Cubana de Física.
Diterbitkan oleh Universidad de La Habana.
13 2023 Learning Media Simulation of Signal Processing Using Javascript Programming Language as Alternative to Distance Learning .
Dipublikasikan pada Revista Cubana de Fisica.
Diterbitkan oleh Universidad de La Habana.
14 2023 Particle Trajectory Simulation using Python and Spreadsheet as an Online Learning Alternative .
Dipublikasikan pada Revista Mexicana de Física E .
Diterbitkan oleh Sociedad Mexicana de Fisica.
15 2023 Moral Development of Senior High School Students in Physics Learning Based on Traditional Game .
Dipublikasikan pada Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA.
Diterbitkan oleh Pascasarjana Universitas Mataram.
16 2023 Implications of the Social Reconstructionism Philosophy on the Elimination Discourse of the National Examination in Indonesia .
Dipublikasikan pada Shidnij Svit/Oriental World.
Diterbitkan oleh A. Yu. Krymskyi Institute of Oriental Studies of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.
17 2023 Teachers' Perspectives toward Using Augmented Reality Technology in Science Learning .
Dipublikasikan pada Cypriot Journal of Educational Sciences.
Diterbitkan oleh Birlesik Dunya Yenilik Arastirma ve Yayincilik Merkezi.
18 2022 Effectiveness of STEAM-based blended learning on students’ critical and creative thinking skills .
Dipublikasikan pada International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education (IJERE).
Diterbitkan oleh Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science.
19 2022 The Effects of High-Intensity Interval Training and Game-based Training on Junior High School Soccer Player .
Dipublikasikan pada Sportske Nauke i Zdravlje.
Diterbitkan oleh Pan - European University Apeiron.
20 2022 Mapping Critical Thinking Research In Physical Education: A Review Of The Publishing Or Perish Literature And Bibliometric Analysis .
Dipublikasikan pada Revista Iberoamericana de Psicologia del Ejercicio y el Deporte (Ibero-American Journal of Exercise and Sports Psychology).
Diterbitkan oleh Asociacion Canaria de Psicologia del Deporte.
21 2022 Small-Sided Games in Building Female Students’ Motivation for Practising Football in Physical Education .
Dipublikasikan pada Teoria ta Metodika Fizicnogo Vihovanna (Physical Education Theory and Methodology).
Diterbitkan oleh OVS LLC, Ukraina.
22 2022 Do Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDA) and levels of physical activity help to maintain fitness status? Study on futsal women's .
Dipublikasikan pada Fizjoterapia Polska (Polish Journal of Physiotherapy).
Diterbitkan oleh DJ Studio.
23 2022 Visualization of Refractive Index and Reflectance of Sodium Metal Based on Drude's Theory Using MATLAB as an Alternative for Optics and Astrophysics Lectures .
Dipublikasikan pada SAR Journal.
Diterbitkan oleh UIKTEN - Association for Information Communication Technology Education and Science, Serbia.
24 2022 Simulation of Magnetic Anisotropy Energy Surfaces for Cubic Crystals Using MATLAB in Remote Material Physics Lectures .
Dipublikasikan pada Trends in Sciences.
Diterbitkan oleh Walailak University.
25 2022 Visualization of Body Centered Cubic Energy Bands Based on Spreadsheet-Assisted Tight Binding: Solutions for Distance Material Physics Lectures .
Dipublikasikan pada Trends in Sciences.
Diterbitkan oleh Walailak University.
26 2022 Crystalline Band Energy Simulation as a Materials and Programming Project during the Covid-19 Pandemic .
Dipublikasikan pada TEM Journal.
Diterbitkan oleh UIKTEN - Association for Information Communication Technology Education and Science.
27 2022 Visualization of face-centered cubic energy band using spreadsheet and javascript as innovative learning .
Dipublikasikan pada Revista Mexicana de Física E.
Diterbitkan oleh Sociedad Mexicana de Fisica.
28 2022 Women Rainwater Harvesters in Education for Rainwater Utilization .
Dipublikasikan pada Journal of the Geographical Institute “Jovan Cvijić” SASA.
Diterbitkan oleh Geographical Institute "Jovan Cviji" of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts.
29 2022 Improving Learners' Metacognitive Skills with Self-Regulated Learning based Problem-Solving .
Dipublikasikan pada International Journal of Instruction.
Diterbitkan oleh Gate Association for Teaching and Education.
30 2022 The Effect of Comprehensive Teaching Learning-Based Training on Social Skills and Attitudes .
Dipublikasikan pada Teorìâ ta Metodika Fìzičnogo Vihovannâ.
Diterbitkan oleh OVS LLC.
31 2022 Development of Android Physics Learning Tools Based on Local Wisdom Traditional Game Bola Boy as a Learning Source .
Dipublikasikan pada International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies (iJIM).
Diterbitkan oleh Kassel University Press GmbH.
32 2022 The Misconception in Graphene’s Dispersion Energy Simulations .
Dipublikasikan pada Revista Mexicana de Fisica E.
Diterbitkan oleh Sociedad Mexicana de Fisica.
33 2022 Strategies of Physics Learning based on Traditional Games in Senior High Schools during the Covid-19 Pandemic .
Dipublikasikan pada Revista Mexicana de Fisica E.
Diterbitkan oleh Sociedad Mexicana de Fisica.
34 2021 Effect of leg length on running speed of sports and health sciences students in Indonesia: A meta-analysis study .
Dipublikasikan pada Journal of Physical Education and Sport.
Diterbitkan oleh Editura Universitatea din Pitesti.
35 2021 The Effect of Smartphone Usage Intensity on High School Students' Higher Order Thinking Skills in Physics Learning .
Dipublikasikan pada Journal of Turkish Science Education.
Diterbitkan oleh Ekip Buro Makineleri A.S..
36 2021 Effective teachers’ personality in strengthening character education .
Dipublikasikan pada International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education.
Diterbitkan oleh Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science (IAES).
37 2021 Analysis of Self-Regulated Learning Skills in Senior High School Students: A Phenomenological Study .
Dipublikasikan pada TEM Journal.
Diterbitkan oleh UIKTEN - Association for Information Communication Technology Education and Science, Serbia.
38 2021 The Effect of Smartphones Usability on High School Students' Science Literacy Ability in Physics Learning .
Dipublikasikan pada European Journal of Educational Research.
Diterbitkan oleh Eurasian Society of Educational Research.
39 2021 The effect of circuit training on physical fitness and archery accuracy in novice athletes .
Dipublikasikan pada Physical Activity Review.
Diterbitkan oleh PPHU Projack.
40 2021 Distance learning strategies using technology for elementary school students in Yogyakarta during the COVID-19 pandemic .
Dipublikasikan pada Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology.
Diterbitkan oleh Little Lion Scientific.
41 2021 Simple Modeling of Crystal Structure of Carbon Tetrachloride, Diamond, and Fullerene using Molymods .
Dipublikasikan pada TEM Journal.
Diterbitkan oleh UIKTEN - Association for Information Communication Technology Education and Science, Serbia.
42 2021 Teacher’s experiences in character education for autistic children .
Dipublikasikan pada International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education.
Diterbitkan oleh Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science (IAES).
43 2021 Experiences of Participants in Teacher Professional Education on Obtaining Soft Skills: A Case Study in Indonesia .
Dipublikasikan pada European Journal of Educational Research.
Diterbitkan oleh Eurasian Society of Educational Research.
44 2021 How are the Parents Involvement, Peers and Agreeableness Personality of Lecturers Related to Self-Regulated Learning? .
Dipublikasikan pada European Journal of Educational Research.
Diterbitkan oleh Eurasian Society of Educational Research.
45 2020 The Effects of MANSA Historical Board Game toward the Students’ Creativity and Learning Outcomes on Historical Subjects .
Dipublikasikan pada European Journal of Educational Research.
Diterbitkan oleh Eurasian Society of Educational Research.
46 2020 The Effects of Principal’s Decision-making, Organizational Commitment and School Climate on Teacher Performance in Vocational High School Based on Teacher Perceptions .
Dipublikasikan pada European Journal of Educational Research.
Diterbitkan oleh Eurasian Society of Educational Research.
47 2020 Implementation of Islamic religious learning strategies in children with autism in Indonesia .
Dipublikasikan pada Specijalna Edukacija i Rehabilitacija.
Diterbitkan oleh University of Belgrade - Faculty of Special Education and Rehabilitation.
48 2020 Islamophonia in Education: Perception on the Wear of Veil/Niqab in Higher Education .
Dipublikasikan pada Indonesian Journal of Islam and Muslim Societies.
Diterbitkan oleh State Institute of Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga.
49 2020 School readiness assessment: Study of early childhood educator experience .
Dipublikasikan pada Elementary Education Online/Ilkogretim Online.
Diterbitkan oleh Ankara University Faculty of Education Department Primary Education.
50 2020 The Effects of Positive Parenting toward Intolerance in Pre-School Children .
Dipublikasikan pada International Journal of Early Childhood Special Education.
Diterbitkan oleh International Journal of Early Childhood Special Education.
51 2020 The Effect of Service Quality on Fitness Customer Satisfaction .
Dipublikasikan pada PalArch's Journal of Archaeology of Egypt/Egyptology.
Diterbitkan oleh PalArch Foundation.
52 2020 The Exploration of Local Wisdom Values of Performing Arts: An Art of Kuda Lumping Sarimpi .
Dipublikasikan pada Humanities and Social Sciences Reviews.
Diterbitkan oleh Gyandhara International Academic Publications.
53 2020 Elaborating Motive and Psychological Impact of Sharenting in Millennial Parents .
Dipublikasikan pada Universal Journal of Educational Research.
Diterbitkan oleh Horizon Research Publishing.
54 2020 Academic Freedom: Understanding and Experience of Higher Education Lecturers in Indonesia .
Dipublikasikan pada Universal Journal of Educational Research.
Diterbitkan oleh Horizon Research Publishing.
55 2020 Indonesian Air Force Physical Tester Reliability in Assessing One-Minute Push-Up, Pull-Up, and Sit-Up Tests .
Dipublikasikan pada Sport Mont.
Diterbitkan oleh Montenegrin Sports Academy.
56 2020 Lecturers’ Experiences in Teaching Soft Skills in Teacher Profession Education Program (TPEP) in Indonesia .
Dipublikasikan pada Problem of Education in the 21st Century.
Diterbitkan oleh Scientia Socialis, Ltd.
57 2020 A simple liquid density measuring instrument based on Hooke’s law and hydrostatic pressure .
Dipublikasikan pada Physics Education.
Diterbitkan oleh IOP Publishing.
58 2020 Development of Physics-Two Tier Test based on Jumanji Game to Measure Conceptual Understanding of Work and Energy .
Dipublikasikan pada International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research.
Diterbitkan oleh International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research.
59 2019 Synthesis of the Cognitive Aspects’ Science Literacy and Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) in Chapter Momentum and Impulse .
Dipublikasikan pada Journal of Physics: Conference Series.
Diterbitkan oleh IOP Publishing.
60 2019 Development of Physics-Tier Tests (PysTT) to Measure Students' Conceptual Understanding and Creative Thinking Skills: A Qualitative Synthesis .
Dipublikasikan pada Journal for the Education of Gifted Young Scientists.
Diterbitkan oleh Journal for the Education of Gifted Young Scientists.
61 2019 The Effect of pH, Electrical Conductivity, and Nitrogen (N) in the Soil at Yogyakarta Special Region on Tomato Plant Growth .
Dipublikasikan pada TEM Journal.
Diterbitkan oleh UIKTEN - Association for Information Communication Technology Education and Science, Serbia.
62 2019 Physics learning by PhET simulation-assisted using problem based learning (PBL) model to improve students' critical thinking skills in work and energy chapters in MAN 3 Sleman .
Dipublikasikan pada Asia-Pacific Forum on Science Learning & Teaching.
Diterbitkan oleh Hong Kong Institute of Education.
63 2019 A simple distance measurement instrument based on the law of light reflection .
Dipublikasikan pada Physics Education.
Diterbitkan oleh IOP Publishing.
64 2019 Physics Teacher Efforts of Islamic High School in Yogyakarta to Minimize Students' Anxiety When Facing the Assessment of Physics Learning Outcomes .
Dipublikasikan pada Journal for the Education of Gifted Young Scientists.
Diterbitkan oleh Journal for the Education of Gifted Young Scientists.
65 2018 Improving Students’ Critical Thinking Ability Using Problem Based Learning (PBL) Learning Model Based on PhET Simulation .
Dipublikasikan pada SAR Journal.
Diterbitkan oleh UIKTEN - Association for Information Communication Technology Education and Science, Serbia.
66 2018 Evaluation of the Self-regulated Learning Model in High Schools: A Systematic Literature Review .
Dipublikasikan pada Universal Journal of Educational Research.
Diterbitkan oleh Horizon Research Publishing.
67 2018 Spreadsheet for Physics: Lissajous Curve .
Dipublikasikan pada International Journal of Recent Scientific Research.
Diterbitkan oleh International Journal of Recent Scientific Research.
68 2018 Development of Student Worksheet Based Curious Note Program (CNP) Learning Model to Improve Science Process Skills of Senior High School Students .
Dipublikasikan pada International Journal of Current Research.
Diterbitkan oleh International Journal of Current Research.
69 2018 The factors that influence of reading ability the Hijaiyah alphabet on pre-school children .
Dipublikasikan pada Journal for the Education of Gifted Young Scientists.
Diterbitkan oleh Journal for the Education of Gifted Young Scientists.

Hak Cipta
1 2019 Simulasi Android Permainan Tulup pada Materi Momentum dan Impuls. Diterbitkan oleh MENTERI HUKUM DAN HAK ASASI MANUSIA DIREKTUR JENDERAL KEKAYAAN INTELEKTUAL.
2 2018 Rancang Bangun Alat Ukur Jarak Antara Dua Benda Dengan Mengaplikasikan Hukum Snellius Tentang Pemantulan Cahaya. Diterbitkan oleh MENTERI HUKUM DAN HAK ASASI MANUSIA-DIREKTUR JENDERAL KEKAYAAN INTELEKTUAL.

Berperan serta aktif dalam pengelolaan jurnal ilmiah
1 2024 Reviewer Journal of Computer Assisted Learning Terindeks Scopus Q1 dengan SJR: 1,84 dan WoS-SSCI untuk Artikel Berjudul 'Knowledge Retention Evaluation on Mobile Augmented Reality Technology for IoT Circuit Assembly' .
2 2024 Reviewer Journal of Computer Assisted Learning Terindeks Scopus Q1 dengan SJR: 1,84 dan WoS-SSCI untuk Artikel Berjudul 'Dual Pedagogy (DP) Approach for AI Literacy in Early Childhood Education' . .
3 2024 Reviewer Journal of Computer Assisted Learning Terindeks Scopus Q1 dengan SJR: 1,84 dan WoS-SSCI untuk Artikel Berjudul 'ChatGPT as a Peer: A Novel Approach to Promote Knowledge Construction, Higher-order Thinking Skills, and Attitudes in STEM Education' .
4 2024 Reviewer Journal of Computer Assisted Learning Terindeks Scopus Q1 dengan SJR: 1,84 dan WoS-SSCI untuk Artikel Berjudul 'Knowledge Retention Evaluation on Mobile Augmented Reality Technology for IoT Circuit Assembly' . .
5 2024 Reviewer Journal of Computer Assisted Learning Terindeks Scopus Q1 dengan SJR: 1,84 dan WoS-SSCI untuk Artikel Berjudul 'Exploring the Potential Benefits and Limitations of AR-Based Virtual Simulation Systems for Human Anatomy Experimental Teaching' .
6 2024 Reviewer Journal of Computer Assisted Learning Terindeks Scopus Q1 dengan SJR: 1,84 dan WoS-SSCI untuk Artikel Berjudul 'Developing an AI literacy framework for young children' .
7 2024 Reviewer Journal of Infrastructure, Policy and Development Terindeks Scopus Q2 dengan SJR: 0,29 dan WoS-ESCI untuk Artikel Berjudul 'Contribution of non-timber forest products to the livelihoods of households residing adjacent to the Loita Forest, Kenya' .
8 2024 Reviewer Journal of Computer Assisted Learning Terindeks Scopus Q1 dengan SJR: 1,63 dan WoS-SSCI untuk Artikel Berjudul 'Incorporating online writing resources into self-regulated learning strategy-based instruction: An intervention study' .
9 2024 Reviewer Journal of Computer Assisted Learning Terindeks Scopus Q1 dengan SJR: 1,63 dan WoS-SSCI untuk Artikel Berjudul 'Promoting Self-Regulated Learning in Problem-Solving: A Hybrid Video-Based Training Program for K-12 Students' .
10 2023 Reviewer Healthcare Terindeks Scopus Q2 dengan SJR: 0,55 dan WoS-SCIE & SSCI untuk Artikel Berjudul 'Factors Associated with Lifestyle Behaviours Among University Students –A Cross-Sectional Study' .
11 2023 Reviewer Applied Sciences Terindeks Scopus Q2 dengan SJR: 0,49 dan WoS-SCIE untuk Artikel Berjudul 'Exploring an E-Health Cloud Computing Adoption in Saudi Arabia: Review Article' .
12 2023 Reviewer Sustainability Terindeks Scopus Q1 dengan SJR: 0,66 dan WoS-SCIE & SSCI untuk Artikel Berjudul 'Enhancing Data Management Strategies with Hybrid Layering Framework: Assessing data validation and high availability sustainability' .
13 2023 Reviewer Healthcare Terindeks Scopus Q2 dengan SJR: 0,55 dan WoS-SCIE & SSCI untuk Artikel Berjudul 'Determining the Concept of Clinical Competence of Nurses during an Epidemic: a Hybrid Study' .
14 2023 Reviewer Sustainability Terindeks Scopus Q1 dengan SJR: 0,66 dan WoS-SCIE & SSCI untuk Artikel Berjudul 'Research on Real-Time Monitoring and Warning Technology for Multi Parameter Underground Debris Flow' .
15 2023 Reviewer Healthcare Terindeks Scopus Q2 dengan SJR: 0,55 dan WoS-SCIE & SSCI untuk Artikel Berjudul 'Factors Associated with Burnout in Medical Staff. The Role of the COVID-19 Pandemic – a Look Back' . .
16 2023 Reviewer Behavioral Sciences Terindeks Scopus Q2 dengan SJR: 0,6 dan WoS-SSCI untuk Artikel Berjudul 'Investigating Value Cognition and Training Behavioral Activities: The Mediating Roles of School-Society Cooperation of Science Teachers' .
17 2023 Reviewer Sustainability untuk Artikel Berjudul 'Non-Stop Educational Support: Exploring the Opportunities and Challenges of Intelligent Chatbots Use to Support Learners from the Viewpoint of Practitioner Educators' .
18 2023 Reviewer Mathematics Terindeks Scopus Q2 dan WoS-SCIE dengan SJR: 0,45 untuk Artikel Berjudul 'Predictive validity of the Cuestionario Burnout Granada-University Students' .
19 2023 Reviewer Mathematics Terindeks Scopus Q2 dan WoS-SCIE dengan SJR: 0,45 untuk Artikel Berjudul 'Advance Landslide Prediction and Warning Model Based on Stacking Fusion Algorithm' .
20 2023 Reviewer International Journal of Instruction Terindeks Scopus Q2 dengan SJR: 0,61 dan WoS-ESCI untuk Artikel Berjudul 'Factors Influencing IGTV Usage & Adoption among Generation Z: A Case Study from the Instagram Perspective' .
21 2023 Reviewer Sustainability Terindeks Scopus Q1 dengan SJR: 0,66 dan WoS-SCIE & SSCI untuk Artikel Berjudul 'MLFKT: Multiple Learning Features Enhanced Knowledge Tracing Based on Learner-Resource Response Channels' .
22 2023 Reviewer Sustainability Terindeks Scopus Q1 dengan SJR: 0,66 dan WoS-SCIE & SSCI untuk Artikel Berjudul 'University Administrative Staff’s Job Burnout in China-A Perspective of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)' .
23 2023 Reviewer Sustainability Terindeks Scopus Q1 dengan SJR: 0,66 dan WoS-SCIE & SSCI untuk Artikel Berjudul 'Research on the Sustainable Development Strategy of Online Learning: A Case Study of YouTube Users' . .
24 2023 Reviewer Cogent Education Terindeks Scopus Q2 dengan SJR: 0,4 dan WoS-ESCI untuk Artikel Berjudul 'The Teacher Strategy in Teaching Social Tolerance to Elementary School Students in Jakarta' . .
25 2023 Reviewer Sustainability Terindeks Scopus Q1 dengan SJR: 0,66 dan WoS-SCIE & SSCI untuk Artikel Berjudul 'Acceptance of social media for study purposes – Longitudinal Case Study' .
26 2023 Reviewer Education Sciences Terindeks Scopus Q2 dengan SJR: 0,52 untuk Artikel Berjudul 'Smartphone Usage in Science Education: An Empirical Review' . .
27 2023 Anggota Editor dari Pengelola Jurnal Al-Jami’ah UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta Periode 2023-2024 .
28 2023 Reviewer Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter Terindeks Scopus Q2 dengan SJR: 0,65 dan WoS-SCIE untuk Artikel Berjudul 'Cooperative diffusion in body-centered cubic iron in Earth and super-Earths’ inner core conditions'. .
29 2022 Reviewer International Journal of Instruction Terindeks Scopus Q2 dengan SJR: 0,5 untuk Artikel Berjudul 'Relationship between Social Networking Addiction and Academic Performance in Students of Al Ain University' .
30 2022 Reviewer European Journal of Science and Mathematics Education Terindeks Scopus Q3 dengan SJR: 0,33 untuk Artikel Berjudul 'Does the Lebanese Education System Hinder the Performance of the Highly Able Learners?' .
31 2022 Reviewer Accounting Education Publisher Routledge Terindeks Scopus Q1 dengan SJR: 0,74 untuk Artikel Berjudul 'Fostering Social Skills in Secondary Accounting Education: Perceived Challenges, Opportunities, and Future Directions'. .
32 2022 Reviewer Revista Iberoamericana de Psicologia del Ejercicio y el Deporte Terindeks Scopus Q4 dengan SJR: 0,23 untuk Artikel Berjudul 'Study of Nurses’ Knowledge Regarding COVID-19 in Al-Hilla Teaching Hospitals' . .
33 2022 Reviewer European Journal of Science and Mathematics Education Terindeks Scopus Q3 dengan SJR: 0,33 untuk Artikel Berjudul 'Physics Teachers Learning on the Use of Multiple Representations in Lesson Study' . .
34 2022 Reviewer International Journal of Instruction Terindeks Scopus Q2 dengan SJR: 0,54 untuk Artikel Berjudul 'Migration in the Classroom: Multicultural Beliefs and Constructivist Teaching Practices in Chilean Schools' .
35 2022 Reviewer Cogent Psychology Terindeks Scopus Q3 dengan SJR: 0,32 untuk Artikel Berjudul 'A Differential Item Functioning (DIF) Analysis of the Mobile Phone Problem Use Scale in Indonesian Schools with and without Smartphone Banned Policy' .
36 2022 Reviewer Asia-Pacific Journal of Research in Early Childhood Education Terindeks Scopus Q4 dengan SJR: 0,19 untuk Artikel Berjudul 'Development of Enhancement Process of Preschool Teachers’Classroom Action Research Abilities using Principles of Assessment .
37 2022 Reviewer International Journal of Instruction Terindeks Scopus Q2 dengan SJR: 0,54 untuk Artikel Berjudul 'The Implementation of Quantum Teaching Model in Islamic Religious Education Learning to Improve the Students Collaboration Thinking Skills' .
38 2022 Editorial Assistant pada Journal of Gifted Education and Creativity Terindeks DOAJ dan Google Scholar. .
39 2022 Editorial Assistant pada Journal for the Mathematics Education and Teaching Practices Terindeks Google Scholar, ASOS Index, DRJI, ResearchBible, dan ProQuest .
40 2021 Reviewer International Journal of Instruction Terindeks Scopus Q2 dengan SJR: 0,54 untuk Artikel Berjudul 'Higher Education towards Circular Economy: Overview of Drivers and Barriers in Circular Economy Transition' .
41 2021 Reviewer Ibero-American Journal of Exercise and Sports Psychology Terindeks Scopus Q4 dengan SJR: 0,26 dan Wos-ESCI untuk Artikel Berjudul 'People with Special Needs in Religious Literacy' .
42 2021 Reviewer Walailak Journal of Science and Technology Terindeks Scopus Q3 dengan SJR: 0,15 untuk Artikel Berjudul 'Examination of astrophysical S-factor and non-resonant rates of the 64Ge(p,γ)65As reaction' .
43 2021 Reviewer Walailak Journal of Science and Technology Terindeks Scopus Q3 dengan SJR: 0,15 untuk Artikel Berjudul 'Analyses of Spatial Distribution and Temporal Trends of Temperature and its Extremes over Nigeria using Climate Indices' .
44 2020 Reviewer Walailak Journal of Science and Technology Terindeks Scopus Q3 dengan SJR: 0,15 untuk Artikel Berjudul 'Wind Energy potential Estimation Using Weibull and Rayleigh Distribution Models and surface measured data at Debre Birehan, Ethiopia' .
45 2020 Reviewer International Journal of Instruction Terindeks Scopus Q2 dengan SJR: 0,54 untuk Artikel Berjudul 'Linking Administrative Performance of Principals Vis-à-vis Public Relations and Community Involvement' .
46 2020 Reviewer Journal for the Education of Gifted Young Scientists Terindeks Scopus Q3 dengan SJR: 0,30 dan DOAJ untuk Artikel Berjudul 'Perception of Art High School Students on Mathematics: Interest, Competency, and Relevancy' .
47 2020 Reviewer Journal for the Education of Gifted Young Scientists Terindeks Scopus Q3 dengan SJR: 0,30 dan DOAJ untuk Artikel Berjudul 'Biology Reading Literacy: Measurement and Empowerment Through CIRC Learning Model' .
48 2020 Reviewer Journal for the Mathematics Education and Teaching Practices Terindeks Google Scholar dan ProQuest untuk Artikel Berjudul 'Improvıng Mathematıc Creatıve Thınkıng Skıll Usıng Creatıve Problem Solvıng Learnıng Model' .
49 2020 Reviewer Journal for the Education of Gifted Young Scientists Terindeks Scopus Q3 dengan SJR: 0,30 dan DOAJ untuk Artikel Berjudul 'Enhancing Indonesian Students Writing through Facebook and Classroom Collaborative Activities' .
50 2020 Reviewer Journal for the Education of Gifted Young Scientists Terindeks Scopus Q3 dengan SJR: 0,30 dan DOAJ untuk Artikel Berjudul 'Multi-representation Raised by Prospective Teachers in Expressing Algebra' .
51 2020 Reviewer Psychology Research on Education and Social Sciences Terindeks DOAJ dan Google Scholar untuk Artikel Berjudul 'Impact of Classroom Phubbing on Teachers who face Phubbing during lectures' .
52 2020 Reviewer Journal for the Education of Gifted Young Scientists Terindeks Scopus Q3 dengan SJR: 0,30 dan DOAJ untuk Artikel Berjudul 'Personality Career Interest towards Sciences Field among Gifted and Talented Students' .
53 2020 Reviewer Journal for the Education of Gifted Young Scientists Terindeks Scopus Q3 dengan SJR: 0,30 dan DOAJ untuk Artikel Berjudul 'Mathematical Understanding and Reasoning of Vocational School Students in Agriculture-Based Mathematical Tasks' .
54 2020 Reviewer Journal for the Education of Gifted Young Scientists Terindeks Scopus Q3 dengan SJR: 0,30 dan DOAJ untuk Artikel Berjudul 'Working Memory Capacity and Mathematics Anxiety of Mathematics Students and Its Effect on Mathematics Achievement' .
55 2019 Reviewer European Journal of Educational Research Terindeks Scopus Q3 dengan SJR: 0,32 untuk Artikel Berjudul 'Developing and Analyzing Learners' Alternative Conceptions through ABC & G Instrument of Kinetic Theory of Gases based on Rasch Model' .
56 2019 Reviewer Journal for the Education of Gifted Young Scientists Terindeks Scopus Q3 dengan SJR: 0,30 dan DOAJ untuk Artikel Berjudul 'Evaluating Equitable Distribution of Teacher In Southwest Maluku Regency, Indonesia' .
57 2019 Reviewer European Journal of Educational Research Terindeks Scopus Q3 dengan SJR: 0,32 untuk Artikel Berjudul 'Redesigning EFL Teacher Education Curriculum: A Case Study in an Indonesian University' .
Melaksanakan Pengembangan hasil Pendidikan dan Penelitian
58 2023 Mengikuti pelatihan Peer Review Excellence online training yang diselenggarakan oleh IOP (Institute of Physics) United Kingdom.. .
Memberi latihan / penyuluhan / penataran / ceramah kepada masyarakat
59 2023 Pengenalan Penulisan & Publikasi Artikel Jurnal Nasional dan Internasional Bereputasi (Terjadwal < 1 semester).
60 2023 Trainer Coaching Clinic Academic Writing dalam Kegiatan Sosialisasi Pembelajaran Program Magister (S2) dan Doktor (S3) (Terjadwal < 1 semester).
61 2022 Narasumber Dalam acara Webinar Kepenulisan Nasional dengan tema: "Coretan Pena Generasi Muda Membangun Peradaban Negeri Menuju Indonesia Emas 2045" (Insidental).
62 2022 Kegiatan Pengabdian Masyarakat dengan tema Studi Lanjut Siapa Takut: Merajut Cita Bersama Prodi Pendidikan Fisika UIN Sunan Kalijaga (Insidental).
63 2022 Pemateri pada Kegiatan "Short Course Kepenulisan Mahasiswa Bidikmisi dan KIP-K UIN Sunan Kalijaga" (Insidental).
64 2022 Pengajar Diklat dalam Kegiatan Peningkatan Kompetensi Widyaiswara Dalam Penulisan Jurnal Ilmiah Berstandar Nasional (Insidental).
65 2022 Narasumber Kegitan “Sosialiasi Pembelajaran Daring Program Magister dan Doktor FITK UIN Sunan Kalijaga”, Sesi “Pengenalan Penulisan dan Publikasi Artikel Jurnal” (Insidental).
66 2021 Narasumber dalam Kegiatan Peningkatan Kompetensi Guru Fisika SMA Negeri I Wonosobo dalam Penulisan Karya Ilmiah (Insidental).
67 2021 Trainer Pelatihan dan Pendampingan "Penelitian Tindakan Kelas dan Penulisan Artikel pada Jurnal Ilmiah" (Insidental).
68 2021 Narasumber dalam Kegiatan Workshop Penyusunan Artikel Jurnal Internasional Tema: "Strategi Mudah Menembus Jurnal Internasional Bereputasi" (Insidental).

Menjadi anggota dalam suatu Panitia / Badan pada perguruan tinggi
1 2021 Parallel Session Moderator at International Conference on Religion, Science, and Education "Integration and Interconnection of Knowledge in the Complex Transdicipline Era" . Berlokasi di FITK UIN Sunan Kalijaga.
2 2022 Webinar Kepenulisan Nasional dengan tema : "Coretan Pena Generasi Muda Membangun Peradaban Negeri Menuju Indonesia Emas 2045" yang diselenggarakan oleh HM-PS Pendidikan Kimia Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta .
3 2022 Pemateri pada Kegiatan "Short Course Kepenulisan Mahasiswa Bidikmisi dan KIP-K UIN Sunan Kalijaga" yang diselenggarakan oleh Permadani Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta. . Berlokasi di Via Zoom Meeting.
4 2022 Pemateri pada Kegiatan "Short Course Kepenulisan Mahasiswa Bidikmisi dan KIP-K UIN Sunan Kalijaga" yang diselenggarakan oleh Permadani Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta. . Berlokasi di Via Zoom Meeting.
5 2022 Workshop Academic Writing dengan Tema "Mempertajam Kemampuan Menulis Karya Ilmiah Bereputasi" bagi Mahasiswa Program Doktor PAI UIN Sunan Kalijaga . Berlokasi di S3 PAI FITK UIN Sunan Kalijaga.
6 2022 Pengajar Diklat dengan Materi “Pengenalan Jurnal Berstandar Nasional, Strategi Penulisan Artikel pada Jurnal Berstandar Nasional, Identifikasi Masalah, Tema, dan Judul Artikel, Penulisan Artikel Pendidikan Matematika Hasil Penelitian” . Berlokasi di Aula Ki Hadjar Dewantara Lantai 2 PPPPTK Matematika.
7 2022 Sosialisasi Pembelajaran (SOSPEM) Program Magister dan Doktor Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Keguruan Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta dengan Tema "Pengenalan dan Penulisan Artikel Jurnal" . Berlokasi di Ruang Zoom Meeting.
8 2021 Pelatihan dan Pendampingan "Penelitian Tindakan Kelas dan Penulisan Artikel pada Jurnal Ilmiah" yang diselenggarakan oleh Program Studi Doktor Pendidikan Agama Islam Fakultas Ilmu Tarbiyah dan Keguruan UIN Sunan Kalijaga . Berlokasi di Secara daring / Online melalui Zoom Meeting.
9 2021 Workshop Penyusunan Artikel Jurnal Internasional Tema "Strategi Mudah Menembus Jurnal Internasional Bereputasi" untuk Mahasiswa Program Magister dan Doktor Fakultas Ilmu Tarbiyah dan Keguruan UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta . Berlokasi di Ruang Zoom Meeting.
10 2021 Workshop Penulisan Artikel Ilmiah "Coaching Strategi Menulis Artikel Jurnal Internasional Terindeks Scopus" . Berlokasi di Ruang Zoom Meeting.