UIN Sunan Kalijaga Showcases Technological Innovations and Research at OASE PTKI 2023 Expo

The Olimpiade Agama, Seni, dan Riset Mahasiswa (OASE) serves as a prestigious platform for competition among students from Islamic Religious Higher Education Institutions (PTKI) in Indonesia. OASE aims to motivate students to enhance their intellectual and spiritual competencies based on Islamic values in analysis, reasoning, and problem-solving.

The final round of OASE kicked off at UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, followed by the symbolic opening of the OASE 2023 Expo by Deputy Minister of Religious Affairs, Zainut Tauhid Sa'adi, representing Minister of Religious Affairs Yaqut Cholil Qoumas. The Expo, which ran from June 14th to 16th, 2023, featured a remarkable display of 100 booths. The OASE Expo provided an exceptional platform for PTKI students to showcase their research and development outcomes and share innovative ideas across various fields. The presence of these students at OASE is expected to make a positive contribution towards achieving sustainable development goals and gaining recognition from relevant academic associations at both national and international levels.

During the Expo OASE 2023, PTKI students from universities across Indonesia presented their innovative works, focusing on technology and research. With great enthusiasm, these students showcased their research findings, development projects, and cutting-edge ideas across diverse fields.

Among the finalists at OASE, eight booths from the UIN Sunan Kalijaga contingent stood out. Each booth displayed unique concepts and products that seamlessly integrated religious knowledge, science, and technology to create solutions that benefit society.

Here is a glimpse of the showcased booths from the UIN Sunan Kalijaga contingent at the 2nd OASE Expo PTKI:

Robotics and Programming Booths (stands 1-10):
The booth featured the impressive Gomibot, a user-friendly waste sorting robot. Gomibot was designed to assist in waste management processes by automatically identifying and sorting different types of waste, making a significant contribution to maintaining environmental cleanliness.

Nanotechnology and Health Booths (stands 11-20):
This booth presented "Soga Gummy," an innovative jelly made from sambiloto plants and dragon fruit peel. Soga Gummy serves as a nutritious immune-supporting supplement. Leveraging nanotechnology, the beneficial properties of sambiloto and dragon fruit peel are transformed into an easily consumable jelly that provides significant health benefits.

Literacy and Technological Innovation Booths (stands 51-60):
The booth showcased "Si Adik," a digital platform aimed at fostering character education for young children. Si Adik offers interactive and enjoyable educational materials, focusing on religious values and daily life. The objective of this innovation is to enhance children's literacy and contribute to their character development.

Religious Sociology Booths (stands 81-90):
This booth presented "Pancawala," a website designed to raise awareness about gender equality through contemporary content and features. Pancawala provides a better understanding of social and religious issues related to gender equality. By disseminating relevant information and content, it aims to promote the importance of gender equality within religious and daily life contexts.

Halal Products and Food Security Booths (stands 61-70):
The booth introduced the innovative jelly drink named "Karsela," which utilizes gelatin derived from tuna bone waste and seaweed (carrageenan), along with added senggani fruit extract. Karsela is an innovative halal functional food with numerous health benefits. This innovation aims to promote halal products while supporting sustainable food security.

Climate, Waste, Environment, and Renewable Resources Booths (stands31-40):
This booth showcased a cost-effective alternative biosorbent solution for the treatment of laundry wastewater. They developed a filter layer using activated charcoal tea waste. By utilizing this filter, effective and economical reduction of water contamination caused by laundry wastewater can be achieved.

Islamic Design and Architecture Booths (stands 41-50):
The booth presented the groundbreaking design of the Islamic Biophilic Office 4.0. This innovative concept combines Islamic architecture, optimization of biophilic components, and principles of green technology sustainability. By incorporating these elements, workspaces can be designed to consider environmental aspects, providing comfort and enhancing productivity. The design aims to create ecological theological awareness among workers, fostering a better understanding of the divine through their connection with nature.

Business Plan Booths (stands 97 & 100):
This booth featured "Eco Clean Super Liquid," an environmentally friendly range of household cleaning products. Made from easily biodegradable natural ingredients, Eco Clean Super Liquid includes various cleansers such as hand soap, dish soap, multipurpose cleaner, floor and bathroom cleaner, detergent, and travel-size hand soap. This booth aligns with Sustainable Development Goal number 12, promoting responsible consumption and production through their use of eco-friendly ingredients.

The OASE event is not merely a spectacle or display, but a prestigious and competitive gathering acknowledged by the community. The achievements of the UIN Sunan Kalijaga contingent at the 2nd OASE event serve as tangible evidence that higher education institutions serve as more than just educational establishments—they are centers for research and development. By showcasing creative thinking and innovative solutions, these institutions demonstrate their ability to create positive changes in various aspects of life, ranging from the environment, health, education, to social and religious matters.

Minister of Religious Affairs, Yaqut Cholil Qoumas, encourages the OASE event to receive recognition from relevant academic associations, both at the national and international levels. Such recognition is crucial to ensure that the 2nd OASE event, themed "Innovative and Moderate Generation Moving Together to Achieve SDGs," goes beyond mere celebration and promotion, becoming a high-quality, reputable, and community-acknowledged platform.

"The OASE event plays a strategically significant role in solidifying the function of higher education institutions as not just educational and teaching institutions, but also as research and development centers. I am confident that with everyone's full commitment, recognition will come easily." (Ihza)