Arabic Language Education Master Program of UIN Sunan Kalijaga Successfully Held an International Field Study at Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) Malaysia

Master of Arabic Language Education of UIN Sunan Kalijaga underwent International Field Study (IFS) activities at Top Malaysian University UPM Malaysia. The delegation visited to UPM Malaysia were 4 lecturers and 16 students. The names of the lecturers are Dr. Muhammad Jafar Shodiq, M.SI., Dr. Dailatusyamsiah, M.Ag., Dr. Agung Setiyawan, M.Pd.I, and Dr. Andi Holilulloh, M.A. This visit is to the Arabic Literatures Study Program of the Faculty of Modern Language and Communication of UPM on Tuesday at 11 am-2 PM Malaysian Time, July 16, 2024.

This visit was welcomed by several members of the Faculty of Modern Language and Communication, they are Ass. Prof. Adi Yasran (Deputy Dean for Academic and Student Affairs), Dr. Zalina Mohd Kasim (Deputy Dean for International Cooperation) and the Head of UPM Arabic Literature Study Program Ass. Prof. Dr. Abdul Rauf Hassan and several UPM lecturers. This event actually aims to strengthen the internationalization of UIN’s Delegation and its cooperation that has long been fostered by both parties. Many discussions were obtained in this meeting including writing joint scientific articles and exchanging students and lecturers. After the joint discussion was over, we were invited to lunch by the UPM faculty.

After that, we were escorted to the UPM Malay Heritage Museum to get a lot of information related to Malay culture. Not only that, we were also invited to tour the UPM Language Development Center. We learned a lot about the management of Arabic language learning and development for Malaysian students. They get a lot of teaching with learning methods that are based on Middle Eastern countries. At the end of the visit, we were invited to the Malay Traditional House Museum which is hundreds of years old. Hopefully this visit will provide many benefits for Arabic Language Education study program of UIN Sunan Kalijaga and Arabic Literatures study program of UPM Malaysia.