Visit of UIN Ar-Raniry’s International Office to CDCIA

UIN Ar-Raniry’s International Ofiice (Pusat Layanan Internasional) led by Dr. Luthfi Auni, MA visited CDCIA on wednesday 11th September 2019. The delegation was welcomed by Vice Rector of Student Affairs UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta, Dr. H. Waryono, M.Ag., Ph. D, together with Head of Department for Cooperation, Mrs. Dra. RTM Maharani, CDCIA’s officers Achmad Uzair. MA., Ph.D, Eka Sulistyowati, S.Si., M.A. In his speech the Vice Rector, Dr. H. Waryono, M.Ag, Ph. D, welcome the visit as an initiative to strengthen internationalization at Islamic State University.

Achmad Uzair shared the international program in UIN Sunan Kalijaga such as student mobility like SAVIOR (Student Academic Visit to Foreign Country) program, which in this second period will send 11 students from various faculty of UIN Sunan Kalijaga to visit 5 universities in South East Asia. This program is expected to gain new network overseas. Moreover, CDCIA will also conduct short course/ summer course program which has been held twice.

As part of internationalization, the number of registered foreign students in UIN Sunan Kalijaga has also been increasing. The reason of this is related to relatively cheap study cost and adequate facilities. In the future, UIN Sunan Kalijaga plan to conduct an international class composed by 2% of the total number of international students from both Full Degree or Credit Transfer program.

Similar concerns on internationalization was also shared by Dr. Luthfi Auni, MA. He conveyed the desire to conduct international class, but has not find the concept that match UIN Ar-Raniry vision and mission. Future expectation is the international class will still be attended by UIN Ar-Raniry students using English as the study system. UIN Ar-Raniry plans to increase number of foreign students from various countries as an addition to Malaysia which composed most of UIN Ar-Raniry foreign students at the moment.

The meeting was concluded with exchange of token of appreciation and stronger commitment for internationalization.