UIN Sunan Kalijaga Strengthens International Cooperation with Zaituna University, Tunisia.

Rector of UIN Sunan Kalijaga Prof. Dr. Phil. Al Makin, M.A. and the University's International Office Dr. Andi Holilulloh, M.A. fulfilled the invitation of the Embassy of the Republic of Tunisia in South Jakarta to discuss the Memorendum of Understanding (MoU) of International Cooperation between UIN Sunan Kalijaga and Zaituna University, Tunisia. The meeting with the Tunisian Ambassador to Indonesia Mohamed al-Tarablusie and the Rector of Zaituna University, Tunisia Prof. Dr. Abdel Lathif al-Bouazizie. This meeting was an official invitation from the Tunisian Embassy in Jakarta which was held on Thursday, 12:00 PM up to 03:00 PM on July 4, 2024.

This activity took place at the Tunisian ambassador's house which is located at Jln. Karang Asem V. No. 21 22 East Kuningan, South Jakarta. International Cooperation between UIN Sunan Kalijaga and Zaituna University, Tunisia at the Embassy of the Republic of Tunisia in Jakarta. UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta basically has an MoU (Memorendum of Understanding) with Zaituna University, Tunisia since 2019. The result of this meeting is that the two Universities want to continue to develop the implementation of this collaboration which is not only in the field of Islamic studies or Arabic language, but is more widespread in terms of science, such as chemistry, medicine, and others.

Basically, this meeting with the Rector of Zaituna University Tunisia is not the first time. This is the third meeting after two previous meetings in 2019 and 2022 ago. In this meeting, Dr. Andi Holilulloh, M.A. conveyed several important points in this meeting, including a) UIN Sunan Kalijaga and Univ. Zaituna need to increase the implementation of this MoU. b) The International program needs to be developed to Tunisia. c) Upgrading the knowledge of UIN Sunan Kalijaga lecturers and students can be developed at Zaituna University in academic forums, both online and offline. d) Joint Research and Publication between UIN Sunan Kalijaga and Univ. Zaituna will be further enhanced.

Prof. Dr. Abdel Lathif responded well to the ideas presented by representatives of UIN Sunan Kalijaga by conveying his agreement that these implementation points be realized to provide benefits for both parties. Hopefully with the implementation of this meeting, the relationship between UIN Sunan Kalijaga and Zaituna University can be closer and more globally recognized, as the slogan of UIN Sunan Kalijaga for the nation, UIN Sunan Kalijaga worldwide.