After being inaugurated, the leaders traced the footsteps of Sunan Kalijaga in Kadilangu

In order to celebrate the 73rd anniversary of UIN Sunan Kalijaga, the Chancellor of UIN Sunan Kalijaga, Prof. Noorhaidi Hasan along with all the newly inaugurated leaders departed for Kadilangu, Demak for a pilgrimage to the Tomb of Sunan Kalijaga on Thursday (19/09/2024). Upon arrival at the location, the group was warmly welcomed at the Pendopo Kasepuhan Kadilangu by the elders who are the 14th descendants of Sunan Kalijaga. The aroma of incense typical of the Javanese tradition filled the meeting hall, making the atmosphere quiet for a moment.

The Chancellor delivered his remarks starting the gathering by introducing the 14th descendant of Sunan Kalijaga. Prof. Noorhaidi said that his arrival with the UIN Sunan Kalijaga group was in the context of friendship and pilgrimage, considering that the university he leads immortalizes the great name of Sunan Kalijaga as the name of the institution. According to him, Sunan Kalijaga was a figure who upheld local culture and Islam, so he was able to create peace. He also emphasized that the noble teachings of Sunan Kalijaga need to continue to be preserved so that this wisdom can be appreciated by all generations.

Prof. Noorhaidi also revealed that the pilgrimage to the Tomb of Sunan Kalijaga is an annual routine of UIN Sunan Kalijaga which is usually carried out before the peak event to give thanks for the birth of UIN Sunan Kalijaga. This year, the pilgrimage felt more meaningful because it coincided with the university's age which had reached 73 years. In addition to praying for the guardian, Sunan Kalijaga, prayers were also said so that UIN Sunan Kalijaga would continue to stand strong, contribute to the country, and continue to produce scholars with global insights who are firmly rooted in Islamic values ​​and local culture.

In front of the elders of Kasepuhan Kadilangu, the Exemplary Figure introduced the newly inaugurated public officials in UIN Sunan Kalijaga, including the Vice Chancellors, Faculty Leaders, and Heads of Institutions. On that occasion, Prof. Noorhaidi also asked for prayers that as a public official he could carry out the mandate given to him as well as possible. Prof. Noorhaidi hopes that the policies produced by these new leaders can bring much goodness, not only to the entire academic community of UIN Sunan Kalijaga, but also to the global community.

Meanwhile, representing one of the elders of Kasepuhan Kadilangu, he expressed his deep gratitude for the arrival of the Chancellor of UIN Sunan Kalijaga, and his entourage. He was touched that in the midst of their busy schedules, the group still took the time to visit the Tomb of Sunan Kalijaga in Demak. According to him, Sunan Kalijaga, as a wali (saint), never really died, but transformed into Light and could witness everyone who prayed for him.

Before carrying out the pilgrimage, the UIN Sunan Kalijaga group first performed ablution at the Jolotundo Sacred Well, a historical site left behind by Kanjeng Sunan Kalijaga. It is known that the well has never dried up and until now, water is still drawn using a traditional bucket. After that, the group headed to the tomb to make a pilgrimage and pray, led by Vice Chancellor 2 of UIN Sunan Kalijaga, Dr. Mochamad Sodik, M.Sc.

The activity continued with a visit to the Sunan Kalijaga Foundation Kadilangu, where the Foundation served a special banquet full of philosophy. Each dish has a deep meaning, such as the rooster kept below containing the philosophy of being a strong person but not demeaning others, the mengkudu leaf urap which symbolizes the need for discussion in solving problems, not being emotional, and so on. The Sunan Kalijaga Foundation as the Administrator of the Sunan Kalijaga Tomb hopes to be able to synergize with UIN Sunan Kalijaga. The former Dean of the Faculty of Sharia hopes that the deep philosophical meaning contained in the food served can be used as a guideline in carrying out the Amanah at the university. (PR team)