Prof. Alan Hayes Becomes The Winner of The 3rd International Writing Contest at UIN Sunan Kalijaga - In His Work, Important Role of Family Education to Prevent Religious Radicalism

Professor Alan Hayes from New Castle University Australia won The Third International Writing Contest on Islamic Studies organized by UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta. Prof. Alan won an international writing competition by presenting his research work entitled "Foundations of Peace and Harmony in Families and Communities: Insights from a TRUST, LEARN and CARE (TLC) Framework." Alan presented his research in front of the Rector UIN Sunan Kalijaga, Prof. Drs. KH. Yudian Wahyudi, MA., Ph.D., chair of the university Senate, Prof. Dr. H. Iskandar Zulkarnain, M. Ag., members of the university senate, structural officials, academicians of UIN Sunan Kalijaga, invitees from other tertiary institutions, related services / agencies, and other invitations, at an open senate meeting in gratitude for the birth of UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta the 68th, located in Prof. Building Dr. HM. Amin Abdullah, 9/26/19 ago. In his speech, Prof. Alan emphasized the important role of the family in efforts to prevent radicalism and extremism in religion
Prof. Alan Hayes further conveyed the importance of the role of the family in putting the foundations of anti-radicalism and religious extremism education. That effort could be hard because there are many influences of various notions through the internet. That is why Indonesia and Australia are increasing cooperation and studies on the important role of the family. "Today it is far more urgent for us to build our harmony and understanding of aspects of our culture, religion, and society. Australia is committed to working with Indonesia, especially between Newcastle University and the UIN Sunan Kalijaga network and 11 other UIN in Indonesia, "said Prof. Hayes.
Next year, senior academics in new disciplines namely the study of the family will study in Newcastle for 16 weeks to conduct the new study and then be developed in the UIN network in Indonesia, "said Prof. Hayes in front of the UIN Sunan Kalijaga academic community in Yogyakarta. Prof. Hayes also said that Islamophobia in Western countries was rooted in their lack of understanding regarding the essence of Islam.
"Islamophobia is rife in Western countries due to their ignorance of the essence of Islam and the reality of Muslim life. In this regard, I think we must work together to stop Islamophobia because we have all lived together in harmony for centuries. However, certain parties make use of religion improperly and then spread fear and extremism as opposed to piety, tolerance, and peace, "he added
Prof. Alan Hayes at Newcastle University also reflected on the Surabaya bombings and the Christchurch New Zealand case, emphasizing 5 keywords namely Islam, world peace, trust, learn and Care, or Islam, world peace, trust, study, and care. (Weni) - translated by Aulia (internship)